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Rogaining Tasmania - June 2024 Newsletter

Rogaining Tasmania - June 2024 Newsletter


Rogaining Tasmania

The Lenah Valley Hops Again metrogaine, 25 August 2024

The Lenah Valley Hops Again metrogaine returns to the area of the popular 2021 Lenah Valley Hop. Featuring an updated map and all new checkpoints, this metrogaine will encourage rogainers young and old to explore the lower foothills of kunanyi / Mount Wellington and surrounding suburbs.

The map extends beyond Lenah Valley into Glenorchy City Council and across to South Hobart, allowing you to link up the web of fire trails, walking tracks and pedestrian short cuts around the base of the mountain. There will be a mix of urban and bush checkpoints, from public art and street libraries to waterfalls and handsome boulders. The terrain is hilly, so careful route planning is vital for maximising your score while minimising unnecessary climb. Use the two hours of planning time wisely.

It will be a question and answer-style event (eg. “In the mural, how many sausages is the dog carrying?”) in which you navigate to the point on the map, and answer the question correctly to prove that you’ve been there. The navigation will not be too difficult, but make sure you bring a compass just in case.

Choose from a 3-hour or 6-hour event. To make the most of the event, however, I encourage you to enter the 6-hour. The entry fee is the same and you can always finish early if you want to. Afternoon tea is included in your entry fee, and you’re encouraged to stick around afterwards, socialise with your fellow rogainers, and share stories of route choices and “coulda woulda shouldas”.

The usual rogaining age, gender and family categories will apply, although there have been some changes to the age ranges in 2024 (see the RT article on age category changes). The original LVH had an entrant age range of 4 to 79, and it’s hoped this second iteration will attract an equally diverse crowd.

For those new to rogaining, there will be a special novice category. Instructions and map-planning assistance will also be available on the day. With its mix of urban and bush tracks, a metrogaine is a terrific introduction to rogaining and a great way to boost your navigation skills.

Celebrate the end of the Tasmanian winter the active way, and start organising your team of 2 to 5 people now. Hop to it!

Entries are now open.

-- by Lucy Hawthorne, course setter

Upcoming Events

Lenah Valley Hops Again

25 August 2024


A return to the popular 2021 Lenah Valley Hop map. Get your bounciest shoes ready for this 3-hour or 6-hour metrogaine.  Entries are now open.


2024 Australasian Rogaining Championships AKA 'The Mysterious Traveller Rogaine'

7 - 8 September 2024

Near Donnybrook, SW Western Australia

As described by the 2024 ARC organisers.... "Where is the Mysterious Traveller? A mask, an old logging village, a Melburnian forester, and ochre springs. We may need to navigate complex river valleys (150m a.s.l. to 300m a.s.l.). There may be a few pines, but we are mostly in stunning Jarrah - Marri - Blackbutt forest. We leave the open Nannup farmlands of 2016 far behind. We have a very easy trip here - less than 3hrs southish of Perth and less than 1hr Bunbury. For all travellers, far, near, mysterious or not, the Event Bus will take you on a magical tour from the airport to the event via a replenishing town. The Setting and Vetting team look forward to showing you some topographical mysteries!"

The Australasian Rogaining Championships are not just for elites. They're designed to cater for various rogainers at all levels and are incredibly social. At least five Tasmanian teams are heading over to WA for the ARC this year, so consider joining us! 

If you're a Tasmanian university or TAFE student and want a free trip to the ARC, apply for the Nigel Aylott Memorial Sports Foundation (NAMSF) by the 28th July.

Enter now on the WARA website.


Deddington Dilemma

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Deddington, Tasmania

A 12-hour bush and farmland rogaine with a shorter option. More details to come.


For a full list of rogaines in other states, visit the Australian Rogaining Association calendar.