Rogaining Tasmania

Rogaining Tasmania is always looking for people to help run our events.  In fact we NEED more people to help.  There are obvious roles like actually setting the course but also many other tasks that are less obvious but no less important to making a successful event.  Many of the things that need to be done don’t prevent you from also competing.  Please have a look at the survey here and let us know where you can chip in.

Upcoming Events & Entry Forms

Coffee Bean Metrogaine Entries Are Open

Coffee Bean Metrogaine

Coffee Bean Metrogaine
18-05-2025 10:00 am -2:00 pm

Roche's Rumble Metrogaine

Roche's Rumble Metrogaine
24-08-2025 10:00 am -2:00 pm

24 or 12 Hour Bush Event

24 or 12 Hour Bush Event
06-12-2025 - 07-12-2025

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