Rogaining Tasmania

By Gary Carroll , President, Rogaining Tasmania, 28th February 2025

2024 was an excellent year for Rogaining Tasmania! We held a variety of well-attended events:

  • The Arthurs Lake Aquagaine (25th Feb). Set and vetted by Simon Allen and Karen Wild-Allen. A fun and innovative event. 87 entrants, which was more than expected. Special thanks to Karen who organised and delivered scout kayaks, which made the event possible for many entrants.
  • The GorgeUs 4-hour Metrogaine (5 May). Setting by David Cole and Andrea Schiwy. Vetted and mapping by Paul Pacque. 129 entrants enjoyed perfect weather. The previous Launceston event was held in May 2008. This event went like clockwork, and we are returning to Launceston in 2025.
  • The Lenah Valley Hops Again Metrogaine (25th August). Setting by Lucy Hawthorne, with vetting by Neil Hawthorne, Gary Carroll, Bernard Walker, and Sara Brain. A near-record attendance for an RT event with 308 entrants (97 in 3-hour and 211 in the 6-hour).
  • The Deddington Dilemma 12-hr and 6-hr bush rogaine (16th November). Setting by Jonathon Sutcliffe and Thorlene Egerton. Vetting by Jack Marquis, Guy Marquis and Kris Clauson. A total of 188 entrants (94 in each of the 6-hr and 12-hr). A well-set course, with an excellent map by Jon.

Our major innovations in 2024 include:

  • Ross Kelly organised our move to ANZ Banking which has streamlined the approval process required when making payments.
  • Bernard Walker designed a Lithium battery and inverter system which allows us to run administration computing and printing in the field without the complications and noise of running a generator. Thanks to the Australian Rogaining Association for the 50/50 grant that helped fund this project.

The 2024 Australasian Champs were held in the southwest of Western Australia following approval difficulties with the intended event site. A small but high-performance group of Tasmanians attended and for the second time in four years Rogaining Tasmania won the Interstate and Trans-Tasman Trophy. Points for this competition are awarded to podium positions, so well done to Gary Carroll & Andre Morkel (WA) 1st Mens SuperVets; Xavier Scott & Sam Woolford 1st Mens Under 23; Thorlene Egerton & Jonathan Sutcliffe 1st Mixed overall, 1st Mixed Vets and 1st Mixed SuperVets; Christine Brown & Karen Pedley 3rd Women overall, 2nd Women Vets and 2nd Women SuperVets; Simon Allen & Karen Wild-Allen 3rd Mixed SuperVets. Xavier Scott & Sam Woolford were the recipients of the NAMSF funding to attend the Intervarsity Champs held at this event, at which they came second.

We are fortunate that Rogaining Tasmania has a steady flow of volunteers to help at events, however we are having problems finding volunteers for large roles such as overall event coordinators. The same people repeatedly perform this role, and those same people already have prominent committee positions which is not ideal. Tasmania is scheduled to host the Australasian Championships in early 2027 and we need to get started on this soon, and identifying the event coordinator is an urgent issue.
Kristin Raw and Lucy Hawthorne are stepping down from the committee.

  • Kristin joined the committee in 2019, served as vice president, ARA representative and has been running our on-line introduction to bush rogaines.
  • Lucy joined the committee in 2021 and has served as newsletter editor and social media guru. Lucy and her intrepid dog Basil are responsible for the “Lenah Valley Hops” metrogaines which have been the two most popular events ever run by RT.

Sincere thanks to them both. Just because they are leaving the committee doesn’t mean we won’t be calling on them to help again.

It is risky to single out thank yous – but I’d like to acknowledge:

  • Nicolë Carpenter for her dedication to admin duties and grappling with Navlight.
  • Adele Winslow for her ongoing help and photography at events.
  • John Dawson for his efficient work on the website and newsletter distribution.

Thanks to all the other volunteers. Whether you buttered bread at a metrogaine or collected checkpoints in adverse conditions, your efforts are recognised and appreciated.

In 2025, RT entrants can look forward to an on-foot metrogaine in Launceston in May, a bike or on-foot metrogaine in Hobart in August, and a bush event in early December.

Behind the scenes, the committee will be addressing safety practices, upgrading our documentation and replacing outdated equipment. Stephen Grey of SARA has completely rewritten the Navlight software. This is an opportunity to get more people familiar with the electronic punching system used at bush events.

Good fortune to our members travelling to Kosciusko National Park for the Australasian Champs in March, and also to those travelling to Spain in July for the World Champs.

Upcoming Events & Entry Forms

Coffee Bean Metrogaine Entries Are Open

Coffee Bean Metrogaine

Coffee Bean Metrogaine
18-05-2025 10:00 am -2:00 pm

Roche's Rumble Metrogaine

Roche's Rumble Metrogaine
24-08-2025 10:00 am -2:00 pm

24 or 12 Hour Bush Event

24 or 12 Hour Bush Event
06-12-2025 - 07-12-2025

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