Rogaining Tasmania

The proposed March 2022 Metrogaine has been postponed and will be held in late May if possible. Considering the currently high infection rates and an uncertain few months ahead, the RT committee and event organisers agreed that running the event at a later date will allow for a safer environment for both entrants and volunteers.

At the AGM held last November, we welcomed the following to the RT committee: Lucy Hawthorne will handle the social media and newsletter role; Bernard Walker who has been prominent for many years setting events and managing the online entries; and Karen Wild-Allen who has set some metrogaines and is a keen competitor. We thank Hugh Fitzgerald and Robyn Tuft for serving on the committee. Kristin Raw has taken over as the junior vice president from Robyn.

Keep an eye on the RT Facebook site and website for updates about the May event. We’ll also announce the event by newsletter.

Stay safe!
