Rogaining Tasmania

Rogaining-Tasmania-logo-transparentThe RT constitution was first adopted in 1995 and has had only minor amendments since. It seemed time to bring it into the 21st century and recognise innovations such as digital communications and banking so we are no longer required to issue notices by mail and make payments by cheque. While we were at it there were numerous other revisions that seemed worthwhile, too many to list in detail but they include areas such as:

  • The financial year is proposed to end on 31st December each year, in line with our events calendar, in place of the present 30th September.
  • Classes of membership, recognising that we don’t charge membership subscriptions but people become members by participating in an event or helping to run one.
  • Composition and election of the committee (did we really need two vice-presidents?).
  • Fine-tuning of the requirements around meetings.
  • Removal of the Rules and By-Laws sections, which covered matters that didn’t seem appropriate in a constitution (e.g. "Any participant of a Rogaine upon experiencing any form of abnormal discomfort shall communicate immediately with other members of the Party and steps should be taken to procure first aid.”)
  • Countless editorial refinements and general tidying-up.

Overall the objective of the revision was to make the constitution reflect the way that RT currently operates.

The current constitution can be read here. The revised constitution, which you can read here, will be put to the Annual General Meeting on the 1st December 2023 and we hope your approval will be a formality. 

Peter Tuft, on behalf of the constitution review subcommittee.