Rogaining Tasmania


By Gary Carroll , President, Rogaining Tasmania, 1st December 2023

Since the 2022 AGM we have run two successful events:

  • The SoHo on-foot Metrogaine which had 231 entrants. 112 in the 6-hr, and 119 in the 3-hr. This event was organised by a “next generation” team with admirable attention to detail, and ran smoothly as a direct result.

  • The Midlands Muster Rogaine which had 197 entrants. 87 in the 24-hr, 44 in the Roving 15-hr and 66 in the 6-hr. Considering the postponement of this event from 2022, it was a relief to be able to run this event. The event terrain was ideal, and the farmers are friendly, so we hope to revisit this area.

Outside of Tasmania, RT members were to be found at the 18th World Rogaining Championships held near Lake Tahoe in California. Christine Brown and Thorlene Egerton won Womens Super Vets. They tied on their score but won based on their finish time.

At the Australian Champs, held near Parkes at the end of September, Tasmania were well represented with 7 teams. Wil Whittington and Xavier Scott were the recipients of the NAMSF funding and did extremely well at their first overnight rogaine coming both 1stMens Under 23s and 1st Intervarsity. Other podium finishers were Gary Carroll and Ken McLean with 2nd Mens Supervets and 3rdMens Vets. Thorlene Eggerton and John Sutcliffe 1st Mixed Supervets. Bernard Walker and Sara Brain 2nd Mixed Vets.

I encourage all members to look outside of Tasmania for opportunities to enjoy rogaining. The Australian Champs next year will be hosted by Western Australia in a prime wildflower season and location, not far from the site used for the 2nd World Rogaine Championships in 1996.

Looking to 2024, RT entrants can look forward to a paddlegaine in the highland lakes in late Feb, a metrogaine in early May in Launceston. There has been some early discussion about a Hobart-based metrogaine in late August, and a bush event proposed for mid-November.

We are particularly grateful to event organisers: 

  • SoHo Shuffle: Jack Marquis, Bridget White and Jaymee Knoll.

  • Midlands Muster: Bass Burgess, Diana Cossar-Burgess, Liz Canning, Hugh Fitzgerald, Peter Tuft, Gary Carroll, Jeff Dunn with Nicolë Carpenter managing admin.

The 2023 committee year began with a long list of long-standing tasks, which we managed to resolve. Special thanks for this go to

  • Ross Kelly, for changing our banking to something more modern.

  • Peter Tuft, Ross Kelly and Nic Bowden for the constitution revision.

  • Bernard Walker and John Dawson for upgrading our website software.

  • Nicolë Carpenter for taking on the joys of the Navlight electrotonic punching system.

  • Karen Wild-Allen for her work in improving our emergency and first aid procedures.

In 2024, the committee will need to address event expenses, and will need to re-evaluate the discounts provided for entrants.

On behalf of all entrants, I’d like to thank all the volunteers who contributed to events and the running of Rogaining Tasmania during the year.