Rogaining Tasmania

5th-6th May 2012

It’s not too early to start preparing for this event to be held in the Parachilna Gorge area of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia, on 5 & 6 May 2012.

Why not make it a part of a holiday in the Flinders.

At this stage, there is plenty of accommodation available, from tent sites to shearers’ quarters and hotels. There will be a “Bus & Bunk” option for those who do not want to drive there.


The entry form is now on the Australian Rogaining Championships (ARC) website as well as the list of teams that have entered so far.


University students are eligible for a subsidy of $40 towards their entry costs, while one University team from each State or Territory will be fully sponsored thanks to the Nigel Aylott Memorial Sports Foundation. Full details are on the ARC website.


Check out the photos of the event location on the website. For lovers of the Australian bush, these are an inspiration to get out there.

As well as the traditional 24 hour event, a roving 12 hours within 22 will be offered.

For more information visit the website: [LINK REMOVED AS NO LONGER ACTIVE] or contact event organiser, Rob Tucker, on 0417 800 647.