Rogaining Tasmania

Sunday 21st October 2012


Event results are now available here. 



With the choice of a three or six hour event, on bike or on foot, this is the MTBNav that started it all in 2009 and is the fourth to be held. It is a Team Rogaine for two to five people where participants devise their own route to visit as many controls on the map and thus collect as many points as possible in the time available. Of all the MTBNavs, this one is the most suitable for youngsters riding with their parents and for less experienced riders, as much of the riding is on hard surfaces on paths and roads. Being a suburban area, there are many opportunities to visit a café along the way. If a Team finds the riding or walking too tiring it is just a matter of staying in the flatter areas, or returning to the assembly area at any time.

flyerCourse area is huge, being the eastern shore of Hobart from Government Hills at Geilston Bay in the north, to the tip of Tranmere in the south, and to Stringy Bark Gully in the east. Pilchers Hill, the Meehan Range, Knopwood Hill, Mornington Hill, Gordons Hill, Rosny Hill and Natone Hill are all included. A first for 2012 is that the Domain too is part of the course, meaning participants can enjoy a ride or walk over the Tasman Bridge. One aim of the event is to have participants visit as many tracks in bush reserves as feasible. Riders may only ride on formed roads, tracks and paths, whilst walkers can go wherever access is legitimate.

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Assembly, start and finish are at the Scout Hall in Lindisfarne, corner of Hume Street with the Esplanade. Ride Bellerive is again kindly supporting the event. Start of the six hour is 10.00am and start of the three hour is 12.30pm. Sportident electronic timing from Orienteering Tasmania will be used. Light refreshments will be provided at assembly from about 3.30pm with presentations at around 4.30pm.


Entries close at midnight on Wednesday 17/10/12 and after that time a late entry fee of $10 will apply. Entries can only be submitted and paid for through the online EntryHUB system. Cost is $35 per person, or $25 per person for a full time student aged 25 years or under, and includes the light refreshments afterwards. A $10 deposit per Team for one e-Stick per Team for use with the Sportident timing system, that is refunded at the finish when the e-Stick is returned, applies to entrants without an existing e-Stick. Enquiries may be directed to Bill Butler at or on 0408 103 318.

Download Ful Information Sheet

To download the full event information sheet click here (pdf).