Rogaining Tasmania

Sunday 18th November 2012


With the choice of a two or four hour event, on bike or on foot, this is an MTBNav to match your capabilities. It is a Team Rogaine for two to five people where participants devise their own route to visit as many controls on the map and thus collect as many points as possible in the time available. This MTBNav is very suitable for less experienced riders wanting to try Mountain Bike Orienteering as the terrain gives relatively straight forward riding while retaining an offroad feel. Much of the riding is on bitumen roads and flowing dirt tracks and paths, many quite flat and with some hillier sections. A team that finds the riding or walking too tiring may concentrate more on traversing the flatter areas.

Course area is the roads and tracks from just south of Lauderdale to just north of the South Arm Neck. Most of the course is west of the South Arm Highway and includes Dorans Road, Rifle Range Road and Gellibrand Drive. The Tangara Trails provide extensive access between properties, and there is a public reserve behind Gorringes Beach on the shore of beautiful Mortimer Bay. The options of two and four hour durations will suit serious bike riders and runners wanting to test themselves, as well as social riders and walkers looking for an enjoyable outing. Assembly is the Clifton Riding Club arena near the northern end of Gorringes Beach, accessed 800 metres along the gravel section of Rifle Range Road.

Teams need to be fully self sufficient with food and drinks, and carry first aid gear. Bike riders are encouraged to wear a jacket or vest on the outside that is light in colour and easily visible to vehicle drivers. Because of extensive private property, Sandford offers limited, but still enjoyable route choice for walkers, and thus walkers are encouraged to give the bike a go. Riders may only ride on formed roads, tracks and paths, whilst walkers can go wherever access is legitimate. In support of the aim to maximise off-road riding in an MTBNav event, where the Tangara Trail parallels the bitumen road, riders will be required to ride on the path and the road will be deemed out-of-bounds.


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Ride Bellerive is supporting this event. Start of the four hour is 10.30am and start of the two hour is 12noon. Sportident electronic timing from Orienteering Tasmania will be used. Light refreshments will be provided from about 2.00pm with results presented at around 2.45pm.


Entries close at midnight on Wednesday 14/11/12 and can only be submitted and paid for through the online EntryHUB system when it comes available, accessible via the Rogaining Tasmania website at Cost is $35 per person, or $25 per person for a full time student aged 25 years or under, and includes the light refreshments afterwards. A $10 deposit per Team for one e-Stick per Team for use with the Sportident timing system, that is refunded at the finish when the e-Stick is returned, applies to entrants without an existing e-Stick. There are no late entries nor enter-on-the-day for this event. Enquiries may be directed to Mark Hey at or on 6272 7233.