Rogaining Tasmania

August 26th, 2012

"An August Amble"


A great way to explore places you didn't even know existed, this event centres on Hobart's northern suburbs and will be a four hour event with a mass start at 11am.

Scoring will be done by answering questions about a feature at the control point or by matching a picture taken from it. There are around 60 control points scattered around Glenorchy, New Town and Moonah providing numerous route choices.


The hash house will be at the Springfield Gardens Primary School, Ashbourne Grove, West Moonah.

There is limited parking in the school grounds.


An A3 sheet, scale ~ 1:27000, will be available at 9:30am . We have the use of the gymnasium so competitors may wish to bring their own tables/chairs to prepare their courses on.

Key Times

9:30am - Maps available

11:00am - Race Start

3:00pm - Race Finish

Light refreshments will be available after the event.


Entries can be made via Entryhub.  Teams must consist of two or more people.

Costs for the event are Adults $20, Students $15 and Families $40. Closing date for entries will be Sunday 19th August. 

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More Information

If you have any queries about the event please contact Rod Bilson -  or mobile 0419 376599.


To get you started - "Do you know where this is?"

