Rogaining Tasmania

Sunday 4 August, 2013

Eastern Shore, Hobart

Rogaining Tasmania invites you to compete in the ACME Metrogaine (August Clarence Metrogaine Event) to be held in Hobart's eastern suburbs on Sunday 4 August. The course setters are Andrew Barber and Debbie Bourke

There will be a choice of events – six hours starting at 11am and three hours starting at 2pm. Scoring will be done by answering multiple choice questions about a feature at the control point. Points will be deducted if more than 3 wrong answers are given. There are around 75 control points scattered around Howrah, Bellerive, Mornington, Rosny and Lindisfarne, providing numerous route choices.

The event will start and finish at the Clarence Senior Citizens Centre, 17 Alma Street, Bellerive. There is plenty of parking at the back of the Centre, and plenty of tables and chairs available for course preparation.

The map will be printed on two A3 sheets, scale 1:10000. It will be available at 9:30am.

Event time table:
9:30am - Maps available
10:30am - Novice instruction available
10:45am - Event briefing
11:00am - Start of 6 hour event
1:30am - Novice instruction available
1:45pm - Event briefing
2:00pm - Start of 3 hour event
5:00pm - Finish of 3 and 6 hour events

Food and beverage, including soup, will be available after the event.

Entries must be made via EntryHUB. The entry fee will be: adults $25, concession (students, pensioners) $15 and families $50. The closing date for entries will be Monday 29th July.

It is requested each team carry a mobile telephone. Before the start of the event each team will be asked complete a form providing its number, an emergency contact for each team member and any medical conditions they would like first aid staff to be aware of in the event of an accident or emergency.

For further information about the event please contact Andrew Barber: or 0418 345 867