Rogaining Tasmania

Acton Park, Tasmania

Saturday 22 March, 2014




There's also a write up of the event here.

Event Overview

Rogaining Tasmania welcomes potential participants to the Acton 4Hr MTBNav and Foot Rogaines to be held on Saturday March 22nd, 2014. These rogaines may be completed either on a mountain bike (MTBNav) or on foot.

The Course area extends from Seven Mile Beach to Sandford and will include map areas not used in previous rogaines. This area has some beautiful coastline, hills and trails, and the map will make the best use of the wonderful Tangara trail network that weaves throughout the area.

There are some coastal sections of the map which are only rideable at lower tides. Current tide predictions for Hobart are for a low tide at 7am, and a high tide at 1.30pm and so we will be having an earlier start to the event to maximise opportunities to utilise these areas.

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 With the chance to ride hard and compete for placings, or take it easy and enjoy a scenic stroll/ride with maybe a stop for a cup of coffee along the way, this course will have something to offer everyone.

Event Timing

The Start and finish of the event will be at the Roche’s Beach Car Park near the Lauderdale Yacht Club. 

Key times are as follows:

    • Registration & maps available                             8:45am
    • Pre-event briefing                                              9.45am
    • Event Start                                                      10.00am
    • Event Finish                                                      2:00pm
    • Rogaining Tasmania AGM                             2:15pm
    • Event Presentations                                           2:30pm

Light refreshments will be available from 1.30 pm 

Entry Details

Entries are now closed. Enquiries may be directed to John Dawson, , or phone 0429 194 125.


For full details on the event, including the background to rogaining and mountain bike rogaining, please download the Event Information Sheet.