Rogaining Tasmania

2015 Tas Champs (24Hr) and 8 Hr Rogaines




Event Results are available here.

Event information and directions are now available for download here.

It\'s been a few years since we last had a full twenty-four hour rogaine on offer, which is why Rogaining Tasmania is excited to announce our next big 24 hour event: The Ross Rummage.


IMG 8740 IMG 8760 IMG 8752

Two events will be held concurrently starting on Sat 28 November 2015. The 2015 Tasmanian Rogaining Championship, which is a 24 hour event, and a non-championship 8 hour event. The competition area is near the town of Ross which is 80km south of Launceston and 120km north of Hobart. The terrain is a mixture of farmland and forested areas which are predominately undulating dry sclerophyll with light to medium density understorey. The elevation range is approximately 400m. The course setters are Gary Carroll and Matt Chamberlain. The vetters are Bernard Walker and Sara Brain.

Event Location

The hash house is located on Auburn Road to the north west of Ross. Detailed directions will be sent to entrants at a later date.
Camping is available at the hash house site on both Friday and Saturday nights.

Event Time Table

Friday 27 November 2015
4:00 pm     Camping available at hash house

Sat 28 November 2015
9:00 am      Registration, maps and novice instruction available
11:45 am    Compulsory briefing
12 noon       Start of 24hr & 8hr events
7:30 pm      Hash house opens
8:00 pm      8 hr event finishes
8.25 pm      Sunset
8:30 pm      Finishers in 8hr are late (will get no score)
10:30 pm    Moonrise

Sun 29 November 2015
5:30 am      Sunrise
12 noon      24 hr event finishes
12:30 pm    Finishers in 24 hr are late (will get no score)
1:30 pm      Hash house closes


Entry is available to all. No previous rogaining experience is required. Novice instruction will be available before the start.

Entry must be made on-line via Webscorer which allows payment via paypal (which allows use of most credit and debit cards).  Note that this system requires each team to have a team name, however these names will not be included for the event.

The entry fees are:
24hr event:
Adult - $75, junior (under 18) – $55, concession - $65, family - $150
8hr event:
Adult - $65, junior (under 18) – $45, concession - $55, family - $130

When paying for families please make sure that the first person is entered as \"Family (first person)\" and the remaining family members are entered as \"Family (other members)\" to ensure that the correct fees are charged.

The entry fee covers

  • A pre-marked colour map and clue sheets for each team member
  • For 24hr competitors: an evening meal on Saturday night, breakfast and lunch on Sunday
  • For 8hr competitors: an evening meal on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday.
  • To qualify for the concession rate a competitor must be a full time student or holder of a Centrelink pensioner concession card.

If a family entry is spread over two teams, pay for two teams and contact the organisers for a refund after the event.

A team that has a member under fourteen years of age must also have a member eighteen years of age or over.

The age categories are as follows. To qualify for an age-category, every team member must qualify for that age on the first day of the event. For the veteran categories, this will be the age of the youngest team member. For Junior and Youth it will be the age of the oldest team member.

  • Open – Everyone!
  • Junior – under 18
  • Youth – under 23
  • Veteran – 40 and over
  • Super veteran – 55 and over
  • Ultra veteran – 65 and over

Teams will be assigned to one of mixed, mens or womens categories.

Other categories a team may enter are:

  • Family - Consists of up to two adult parents or guardians together with at least one other family member under 18 years old. 
  • Novice – This is the first rogaine entered for all team members.
  • Emergency services – All team members are members of the SES, TFS, Armed Forces, Ambulance services or similar.
  • The organisers reserve the right to assign team categories. Teams will be entered in all the categories they are eligible for. For the purposes of prizes, age categories may be combined if there are too few entries.

Entries close at midnight on Sunday 22 November. 

Compulsory Equipment

Team members are required to carry a whistle, water bottle and sufficient clothing to ensure it is possible to keep warm and dry in the event it becomes necessary to await pickup by an organisers’ vehicle as the result of an injury.
Each team is required to carry a first aid kit, a compass and a pencil for filling in check point intention sheets. The first aid kit must include a bandage suitable for immobilising a limb in the event of snake bite.

Other Information

  • If you are looking for a rogaining partner, or would like to share transport, post a message on the Rogaining Tasmania Facebook page
  • Cooking facilities and hot water will be available at the hash house on Friday night.
  • An event food menu will be posted on the RT Facebook page closer to the event.  
  • The event will cater for vegetarian and gluten-free requirements.  Please advise the organisers if you have special dietary requirements when registering.
  • The map scale will be 1:40000  (1km is 2.5cm on the map) on a single A2 page. The paper it is printed on is not waterproof and should be protected by \"contact\" adhesive or a plastic map bag.

Ross Rummage Map Sample

  • The NavLight check point registration and timing system will be used. Competitors will be issued with a wrist band containing an electronic tag.
  • In accordance with rogaining tradition: no eating or drinking utensils will be provided at the hash house. Remember to bring your own plate and eating utensils plus a cup or bowl for soup.
  • Water drops will be provided on the course. No cups will be provided, the water drops are for competitors to re-fill their water bottles which are compulsory equipment.
  • Before starting, competitors will have to provide medical and emergency contact information, and an intended route plan. Forms will be available at the registration desk.

For additional information about the event contact Nick Bowden ( or phone 0428 571 729)

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