Rogaining Tasmania

Grab a friend or go with the family. Explore historic Battery Point and Upper Sandy Bay in this 4 hour metrogaine. A deluge of clues will involve the names, build dates and occupants of HOUSES, the nineteenth century HISTORY of Hobart Town and the modern mainly sculptural (H)ART in public places.

P1000139med P1000141med
(H)art ... What is the name of the artist
who created this sculpture?
History ... How much did it cost to build
this little cottage?


All teams start at 10 am and should finish before the 2:15 pm deadline. Scores are determined by the total point value of the questions answered minus any late penalties. Watch out - there are big penalties for getting back late.

Catering will not be provided. Everyone has to make a minimum 15-minute lunch stop - choose your own café or perhaps a stall at the markets!

More details can be found and on-line entries are now open at [Link removed].

Entries close on Monday night 23rd July. And if you have any queries contact Mark Hey ().