Rogaining Tasmania

Well it’s all done. All the competitors returned, more-or-less on time, we did not have to search for anyone and no-one was hurt (other than blisters etc). The results have been finalised and published. It’s not all about winning, and everyone we spoke to seemed to have had a thoroughly enjoyable time regardless of their score. So what else is there? Just a wrap-up and particularly thanks. An extraordinary number of people and organisations contributed to this event, and all deserve recognition:

  • Bernard Walker, course setter and mapper, who put in extraordinary effort over a couple of years and introduced innovative methods such as using LIDAR for veg mapping. Bernard also set up the website and managed the on-line entries.
  • Sara Brain, who gave Bernard a huge amount of help with fieldwork
  • Gary Carroll, RT President, who had fingers into everything and put huge effort into too many things to list as well as lots of course setting.
  • Jeff Dunn Jeff was not only the course vetter and did lots of setting but is also our Navlight guru which is a much bigger task than it looks. Jeff also developed and managed the admin procedures.
  • Nick Bowden, responsible for hash house logistics. You only had to glance around the site to see all the stuff that had to be organised, and that was only the visible things.
  • Ross Kelly, treasurer for RT and the event, who put together and monitored the big budget.
  • Sally Wayte, who was event secretary, merchandise organiser, and with Jeff developed and managed the admin procedures
  • Kristin Raw, for a highly-professional approach to event promotion despite being kept away at the end by a conflicting appointment (at the delivery ward, where she produced Connor - congratulations!).
  • Nicole Carpenter, who supervised admin with her usual efficiency.
  • Darryn Cubit and his staff from Nucleus Café, for the excellent food, certainly a cut above the average for rogaining food.
  • All of our volunteers who helped with things like admin, hash house, patrols, checkpoint retrieval, etc - John Brock, Sebastian Burgess, Diana Cossar-Burgess, Peter & Jane Cusick, Andrew Dunbabin, Hugh Fitzgerald, Bronwyn Fuller, Jess Fulton, Wayne & Helena Griggs.
  • All of our private landowners, names listed on the map, and especially Gary and Kristi Chappell who facilitated much liaison.
  • Parks & Wildlife, for land access and especially great assistance from local staff Lionel Poole and Jenna Myers.
  • Sustainable Timber Tasmania, for land access.
  • Break O’Day Council and especially Erica McKinnell, for wide-ranging support.
  • St Helens Lions Club, for staffing the All Night Café and making it such a lovely place to take a break.
  • Australian Rogaining Association, especially Paul Guard (secretary) and David Baldwin (technical).
  • Phil Sargent of The Trophy Cabinet in Sorell (, who designed and made the unique event trophies.
  • Kris Clausen of Endorfun ( for loan of Phytophthora washdown gear.
  • Tankworld (aka Pool & Spa World, for the loan at no charge of a 600 L water tank.
  • State Govt Tasmania for grants to support the event:
    • Department of Communities, under the National/International Sport Championships program
    • Events Tasmania, under the Championships Grants program

The results, visualisations of routes and photos can be viewed at

Peter Tuft. Event Director

EDIT: Many of the key volunteers for this event performed more than one role. Peter Tuft was one of these. He was already involved with setting work but I convinced him of the advantages of talking on the Event Director role. Peter handled much of the grant requests, liaised with the Break O’Day council, Parks, Police and others. Peter also wrote most of the documentation for the event, and coordinated bus travellers and the many volunteers who made the event possible. Gary.

Peter Tuft - at the Pre-event briefing
Peter Tuft - at the Pre-event briefing