Rogaining Tasmania

A field of seventy participants enjoyed riding or walking the trails of Sandford on Sunday 18/11/12 on a warm and dry spring day. The Team of Jeff Dunn, Jemery Day and Mike Fuller led home the Men's Four Hour MTB with 1610 points, just ten ahead of Jules Evans, Gordon Taylor, Paul Kleywegt and Roger Jackson. Both Teams visited 31 of the 32 controls, and both bypassed a thirty point control, though different ones. The difference was the ten points lost by the Jules Evans Team by finishing just 41 seconds after the time limit. In the Mixed Four Hour MTB Mike Dowling and Sue Hancock amassed 1150 points to be 360 points ahead of the next placed Team. 


Ian Hawkes and Colin Terry in the Four Hour Men's Foot also had a close win, on 570 points and just ten ahead of Ross Kelly and Julian Roscoe. These scores compare with the strong Teams in the Four Hour Mixed Foot where Sam Jarvis and Kelly Aitken gathered a huge 870 points and Amy Buckerfield and Stewart Lawrie just behind with an impressive 840 points.


Full results from the event are on the Rogaining Tasmania website (Results).


Thanks to private land owners Andy Nuss and Jock Campbell, to Ride Bellerive for supporting the event with prizes and promotion, to the Clifton riding Club for use of the arena, and to Orienteering Tasmania for the catering, loan of equipment and printing of maps. My appreciation to all those who entered, and to Gayle West for coordinating the magnificent afternoon tea obo the OT Juniors. 


Mark Hey